The acceptance of late fees as a convenience fee is a game changer. Grateful to have that privilege in some instances.

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I used to think that incurring a late penalty meant I was an absolute failure of a human being. Now I realize that since the rules of this game are completely unjust and stacked against all of us anyway, I do get to *choose* which costs I will incur in this lifetime. Would I rather get my taxes filed today, or do I want to attend the concert a friend has invited me to and submit my taxes tomorrow night? Can I skip the board game night to finish the manuscript that has bewitched me? Can I reschedule the work meeting and annoy one person on my team in order to not leave my friend who is stuck at the airport left in the lurch? Is hunkering down to finish the task right now worth abating the anxiety? Or can I carry the anxiety with me to the grocery store, the birthday party? There is no perfection, and I'm not a failure for not attaining it. There's only benefits and drawbacks, every choice comes with a cost or a loss and some are easier to accept than others.

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